LIVE music experience shoot

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Photography lessons in Sydney

Music photography can be a challenge to shoot as there are so many things to consider in a live gig. As the photographer, you have no control of lighting, environment or sudden movements of your subjects which makes this type of photography seem hard but not impossible.

Music photography is a fun ride from start to finish. During a live show, artists are performing their souls out to their audiences and I believe the photographers job is to capture “those” moments.

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Music photography has always been “my love” photography and now would like to share this great type of experience with you.

This music experience shoot will put you into the “music pit” to capture all the moments of a real live concert setup to your own private concert sound check capturing those magic moments!

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In this music photography session, you will be guided on how to use your camera to the best of its abilities and capture exciting and action packed images in this unique photography class.

This class will run you through step by step process of shooting in low light situations capturing the excitement and emotion of a performing band at a Sydneys Inner West music club

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A small class size of students will maximise your learning experience.

The session runs for aprox 3 hours