Take better smartphone photos
Looking to get the most out of your smartphone camera as an photographer?
Here are some pointers to help you use your smartphone to create beautiful pictures:
1. Learn how to use the camera settings on your phone. Numerous camera settings on most smartphones let you change things like exposure, white balance, and focus. Spend some time investigating these options to see how they impact your pictures.
2. Take advantage of natural light. Natural, diffused light works best for smartphone photos. Avoid taking images in bright sunshine or strong artificial lighting since these conditions can result in overexposure and harsh shadows.
3. Play around with the composition. Smartphones' tiny sensors and lenses can reduce your compositional options. However, you can still use creativity by experimenting with leading lines, framing, and the rule of thirds.
4. Make photo edits. You can edit your images using third-party apps or the built-in editing features found on the majority of smartphones.
5. To add a professional look to your images, make adjustments to the contrast, saturation, and sharpness.
6. Additionally, maintaining a steady hand is essential for capturing great pictures; therefore, try using a tripod or a makeshift stabiliser (such as a stack of books) to keep your phone stable.
7. The most obvious and easy thing to do to make your photo better is to clean your phone. Keep your phone lens clean because smudges and fingerprints on the lens will spoil a photo.